My health,My wealth

It feels so good after a long while to finally be able to write(first post on WordPress btw). This time it wasn’t about being not consistent but about being ill. As they say health is wealth and without it there’s absolutely nothing you can do right. And as someone with a delicate health issue(maybe one day in the future I’ll share it with you guys)it’s important to take my health seriously. That is the routine daily drugs,lots of water,which by the way I’ve always failed to do,as I didn’t have that mentality where I depended on them.

A lot of people with my health condition fall sick everytime and look sickly but I don’t. It never occurred to me how good I have it and to make sure I don’t take it for granted but I did. I’m trying not to now,as I’m trying to focus on healthy living,thanks to my parents and God,most importantly,who have taken care of me these past year’s I’ve been very okay but going to Uni now,I can’t be depending on my parents,I’d have to GROW UP! and take charge of my health and I’ve realised that I’m not depending on drugs,they are just aiding me,and I can’t understand my aversion to water as I not only need it healthwise but for my skin and hair too like helllooo.

So today I’m here to just say your health is most important,i know i might still backslide but imma try,we can’t ignore how health is the one constant thing that if not taken care of can keep you from succeeding.So today let’s all take care of our health,its a big part of us.
Healthy equals happy. Via pinterest

P.S: Do you like the blog’s theme? How do you take care of your health,what extent do you take caring for yourself to? Do drop a comment and pls don’t forget to subscribe to this platform,as I couldn’t import subscribers from the Blogger platform.Have a healthy week ahead!

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